Archive | January 2, 2012

Me and my blog(s)…

Before this, i’ve tried to write a blog.. just to share my feelings.. with hope that i can let all gone be bygone. But then, i realized that i’m not that kind of writer.. i was being ‘tortured’ to write what people wants to read, NOT things that i want to pour out from inside me..

Then, i stop at the very early age of it.. I started a new one, just to make money from it.. seeing that so many people did the same.. I don’t want to be rich, but just to make money from home.. But, it also not getting to the point as i’ve ever wanted it to be.. And, again, i left it hanging without an end..

I keep focused on my Facebook account to do all the writings.. but, what make me stop AGAIN from doing all the things i LOVE is the facts that there are so many people couldn’t easily get along with what’s right and what’s don’t.. and, sometimes people bang me with things they don’t really understand what’s all about..

I’m a writer as you know.. and, i’ve written so many things that come from my experiences and knowledges which i got from people around me.. I always keep quiet in so many conversations just to gain as much informations and knowledges as i can.. then wrote them down to be read by my readers.. But, in FB, there are some people who thinks i’m just a regular moron seeing the things i posted on my wall.. When i told them about who i am, they will take it another way..

So, i think it would be better for me to start a new blog AGAIN to be just what i want to be since then – A WRITER.. In that case, people who came across or followed my blog can enjoy what i wrote or just leave me alone with my world.. You can comment, you can LIKE – it’d be as the same as what you can do in FB, but i can’t promise you that i’ll respond.. I just can say that i’ll try my best.. (^_^)

I hope this blog can last longer.. even it can’t stay forever.. Just wait and see.. My English is NOT so very good, so PLEASE pardon me when i always use ‘broken English’ to write.. with some helps from my dictionary, i hope i can write better and you can understand.. I have so many things in my mind to share, so i hope that i can do it with this blog.. Hope what i have can be used wisely by you and me, of course…

My very first words..

Assaalamualaikum.wbt & a very good day to you, readers…

Welcome to my blog.. I’ll write what i want, share what i like & update when i’m free.. All posts will be either in English or Bahasa Melayu.. ikut mana yang sempat la kan..? (^_^)

So, if you sometimes find it hard to understand my words, you’re FREE to ask – i’ll try my best to get back to you when possible or impossible..

I know it’s hard to fulfill everyone’s desires, but i’ll try my best to do mine.. So, if sometimes you think my words are rubbish, you can just leave or come back some other time to find new words..

After all, this is my best effort to be one of the bloggers and surely will try my best to be one of the better if not the best..

So, till then, enjoy reading… wherever or whoever you are….